Main Applications and Uses of TIG Welding

09 January 2023

Manufacturers use different metal fabrication processes to generate metal components and structures out of raw metal materials. Some of these processes include cutting, welding, casting, forging, and extrusion.

Another metal fabrication process that can help create metal components and structures is welding. Welding is a process that joins metals through high heat. Once the metal parts melt, they are often cooled to cause fusion. This metal fabrication technique is different from brazing and soldering since they do not involve melting the base metal. Some welding processes involve using pressure and filler material, while others do not.

One type of welding that can be maximised by many industries today is tungsten inert gas or TIG welding. TIG welding can join metals by using a non-consumable tungsten electrode, filler material, and inert gas shielding.

The Working Principles of TIG Welding

TIG welding maximises a burning arc to generate fusion energy between the metal and the filler material or wire feeding. A non-consumable tungsten electrode is likewise utilised in carrying out this type of welding. An inert gas is then supplied from a gas nozzle so that the weld pool, the tungsten electrode, and the arc will be protected from the effects of the atmospheric gases.

Many industries can take advantage of TIG welding as it can provide great control. Since this type of welding maximises a foot pedal, it allows a welder to alter the amperage being provided to the electrode accordingly. Control is also prevalent with TIG welding since it allows filler material to be filled separately from the heating step.

TIG welding is also versatile as it can accommodate almost all materials. It can likewise be done in any position and temperature. Ultimately, post-welding cleaning is reduced significantly with TIG welding as it does not generate too much spatter and sparks.

Applications and Uses of TIG Welding 

TIG welding can be used in generating metal components and structures for various industries. Some of these industries are as follows.

• Aerospace: The aerospace industry uses TIG welding to fabricate precise and durable aeroplane parts. This process can also fuse these parts without compromising their appearance. Most of the aeroplane parts that are being fused by TIG welding are made from magnesium, which can be expensive to obtain and process.

• Automobile: The automobile industry maximises TIG welding to ensure that vehicles can last for a long time. One benefit of this welding process that makes it compelling to the automobile industry is it can connect parts while making them rust-resistant. This welding process can also bond the components effectively, which makes vehicles more robust.

• Construction: The construction industry also uses TIG welding to connect building materials, especially those made from aluminium and steel. Building materials like steel staircases railings and aluminium glass panels can only be connected to properties with TIG welding as the process maximises better control over other metal fabrication techniques.

• Food Manufacturing: One more industry that can take advantage of TIG welding is the food manufacturing industry. This industry maximises stainless steel parts in creating food manufacturing equipment. TIG welding, fortunately, can make these equipment pieces and tools without causing any sanitary issues.

If you need help with TIG welding, you can contact us at Amon Engineering.

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